Monday, July 10, 2017

3 Quick Dental Tips

1.       Practice makes perfect.  The more you brush and floss the better and more efficient you become.  So brush two times a day and floss one time a day.  In no time you’ll have your routine down to a little over 2 minutes.  These 2 minutes can save you a lot of time and money at the dental office.  Prevention is always easiest!

2.      Make it easy for you to remember.  Spend a lot of time in the car?  Stash a pack of flossers there.  Put a post-it-note on your mirror to floss.  Always watch the nightly news?  Put a container of floss by your remote.  
Any amount of flossing is beneficial.  Once a week is better than none at all!

3.      Troubled by stain?  Rinse your mouth out with water after: eating, smoking or drinking dark/sugary beverages.