Monday, August 7, 2017

Pregnant? It’s Still Important and Safe to See the Dentist.

Congratulations on your pregnancy!   Your overall health is important to you and your developing baby.  Dental health is connected to your overall health, which makes it important to continue visiting the dentist.
Please let us know that you are pregnant at your dental visit, but know, you and your baby are completely safe in the dental office.

  • At Stadsklev Dental we practice universal precautions in terms of infection control every patient, every day, all day.  
  • Anesthetic is completely safe to use while pregnant. 
  • Fillings, root canals, crowns and extractions are all safe to have completed while pregnant.
  • Necessary x-rays are safe to take while pregnant.  We have digital radiographs in our office, already reducing radiation exposure, but a lead apron can also be used.  If you are not having any dental concerns, yearly, routine x-rays will be put off until after your pregnancy.

How Might Pregnancy Affect My Mouth?
Most women will breeze by pregnancy with no dental concerns.  But the following are to be on the lookout for:

Pregnancy Gingivitis
Hormones can increase swelling, bleeding and soreness of the gums.  If you notice an increase in bleeding when brushing or flossing, schedule your routine cleaning and exam and we can evaluate your gum health.  You may require extra cleanings.

Increased Tooth Decay
While your baby is NOT ‘taking calcium from your teeth’ leading to decay, you may be more at risk for decay when pregnant. Morning sickness, sensitive gag reflex, acid reflux, cravings/changes in your diet can cause an increase in decay risk.

Pregnancy Tumor
Although rare, some women see a large, red, raw looking, overgrowth of gum tissue.  This type of ‘tumor’ is not cancerous and will likely go away after pregnancy.  It is due a combination of hormones and plaque bacteria.  Better home care and more dental cleanings can help alleviate discomfort.

Other tips

We find it easiest to schedule dental work in the 2nd trimester.  Usually nausea has subsided and its easier to lay back.  However, if at any time you have a tooth ache, swelling, or something just doesn’t feel right please call us.