Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tips for Those with Braces

You just got your braces on.  Congratulations, you are on your way to creating a better aligned bite, easier to clean and straighter smile!  Now, having braces creates a new challenge in terms of keeping them clean and avoiding the dreaded post braces white spots.
Here are some of our best tips on how to keep your smile healthy.

  1. Tooth Brush Two Stepper
I've seen A LOT of kids with braces and let's face it, kids have a tough time brushing without brackets.  Adding them throws them even more of a challenge.  The best brushing technique I've come across is a two-stepper.

Step 1:  Have them wet their brush and WITHOUT toothpaste brush the fronts of their gums and the backs of their gums.

Step 2: Put toothpaste on their brush and brush their teeth.

They'll brush longer and thus stimulate the gum tissue and remove more plaque.

      2.  Flossing

No way around it, flossing your braces is not the most fun thing to do.  Practice does make perfect, but be sure to check out the flossers designed for brackets to make it easier.

      3.  Christmas Trees or Proxy Brushes

These little tiny brushes, when used under the wire, can help fill the gap if you're not flossing.  They will not replace flossing.  But, they can remove stubborn food, plaque and surface stain that brushing misses.

       4.  Avoid Chewy and Sticky Food

Cavity bacteria thrive on sticky sugar.  Gummy bears, taffy and sugary gum are some of the worst offenders.  These types of food can also lead to brackets coming off.

       5.  Maintain Regular Dental Visits

This is the best way to prevent decay and/or find a cavity early, preventing larger problems.  It's also important to get that fluoride on the strengthen teeth and prevent cavities.  We can also review brushing and flossing.  Sometimes a friendly reminder from someone other than Mom and Dad can help motive a kiddo with braces.