Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Are Dental X-Ray's Necessary?

 A lot of patients ask this question.  Often they explain that they are not in any pain, are concerned about cost or incurring unnecessary radiation exposure.  We are a full service dental office and owe it to our patients to obtain a complete dental picture.  We want to make sure each patient get the dental care they need and deserve.  X-Rays are a necessary part of that picture.  Without them, we could be missing underlying dental issues.

I'm not in any pain.
Super!  That meas they cavity likely hasn't reached the nerve space.  With an x-ray we can determine how deep the cavity is, what type and size of filling you need and how soon it needs to be done to avoid dental pain or abscess.

I'm concerned with the cost of x-rays.
Vaild.  X-Rays cost money.  So do fillings, crowns and root canals.  Fillings are far cheaper than a crown and cheaper yet than a root canal.  By using x-rays we can diagnose a small cavity and place a small filling.  This will cost less than waiting 'until next time" to take x-rays.  Cavities will grow and spread over time.

I'm worried about radiation exposure.
We take radiation exposure seriously.  Digital x-rays generate way less radiation than past x-ray technology.  In fact, dental x-rays produce less radiation than an average person receives on an average day from environmental radiation; less than riding on a plane, less than being outside for 15 minutes.
We take into account individual patient needs.  Those that have never had a cavity and healthy bone support, don't need x-rays as often as those with active gum disease or high cavity rates.

If you have any questions about x-rays, please don't hesitate to ask!
In the picture above, the teeth in the mouth look healthy and cavity free.  The x-ray shows a cavity between the teeth.