Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The First Steps in Orthodontic Treatment

Straight teeth not only look great, but they will allow your teeth to wear properly, make your teeth easier to clean, provide you with healthier gums and decrease headaches and jaw pain, to name a few.  We take steps not only in children, but in adults, to explain what we are seeing in your mouth and explain why braces or Invisalign may benefit you.

Dr. Scott does both braces and Invisalign in our office.  To determine the best course of treatment for you, we first do a "records" appointment.  At this appointment we take photographs of your teeth, your bite and how that all impacts your facial features, profile, etc.  Next, we take impression of your teeth and create models.  We also take radiographs to determine what your skeletal make up is (underbite, overbite, etc.) and what angle your teeth are coming in and what angle your roots are positioned. There is a fee for this appointment, but that does not commit you to further orthodontic treatment. 

After gathering all the information, it is then Dr. Scott will make a treatment recommendations, determine approximate length of treatment, any complications that could arise and cost of treatment.  This is the consultation appointment and is designed to provide answers to all questions and we ask that a parent be present with their child.

After the consult appointment, orthodontic treatment will begin!