Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t have insurance how much does it cost?

After a thorough examination of your teeth, we will give you the exact cost of treatment.  We also will provide information to enroll in our Smile Benefit Plan (SBP).  The SBP is a program we offer to patients without insurance.  This will provide a discount on fillings, crowns, whitening, etc.  The enrollment fee of $250 covers two cleanings, any x-rays and exams for a 12 month period.

My child’s adult tooth is coming in and she hasn’t lost her baby tooth yet, what should I do?

In a word: nothing.  While it can look odd, this is actually quite a common thing for kids.  Give it time, most likely the tooth will fall out on its own and if after 6 months or so Dr. Scott can help it out.   That baby tooth will not impact the way the permanent tooth comes in and will not make her permanent teeth come in crooked.

I was told I have a cavity, but it doesn’t hurt.  Do I really need a filling?

This is great news and means your cavity is not large.  A cavity will only hurt if it is so big, that it has gone into the nerve of the tooth.  By this time, to fix such a large cavity, you would need a root canal.  The fact that it doesn’t hurt is great and a small standard filling is all you need to fix the cavity and prevent a toothache. 

How do I get whiter teeth?

First make sure you’re brushing and flossing daily to prevent microbes and stain from darkening your teeth.  Next, get your teeth cleaned.  No whitening product can whiten through plaque and hard bacteria build up.  Our options in office: custom trays and whitening gel or KOR- a tray system that prevents any gel leakage and prescription strength gel.  You can also try Crest White Strips, but know that it may not brighten your teeth as well or take multiple kits to achieve the desired whiteness.

Do I have to floss?

We certainly will not lecture you on flossing.  It is your teeth and you don’t have to do anything.  But flossing is a great way to prevent cavities, bad breath and bleeding gums.  It also can save you a lot of money and prevent sensitivity to cleanings.  You only have to floss the teeth you want to keep!