Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Do I Need My Wisdom Teeth Out?

It's a common misconception that all wisdom teeth need to be removed.  In fact, Dr. Scott still has all 4 of his wisdom teeth.  So we certainly do not remove wisdom teeth, unless there is a need.

Here are some of the things we consider when making the recommendation to remove wisdom teeth.

  • On x-ray we can see that they are not coming in vertically.  Typically these types of wisdom teeth do not right themselves.

  • Wisdom teeth are 1/2 way in.  This creates a gum flap.  This flap traps bacteria and food, which makes it impossible for you or your hygienist to remove that bacteria.  A cavity or gum disease in that area is likely.  This could also lead to pain and swelling.
  • There is no room for them.  Wisdom teeth with no room to come in may cause damage to neighboring teeth.
  • The wisdom teeth are in a tough place for you to clean.  This makes it more challenging to prevent decay, gum disease and bone loss.  This may impact the health of the tooth in front of it.

It is our job to explain to you the reasons for recommended treatment.  Through education, x-rays and photos, we can help you make the best decision for you in regards to your wisdom teeth.