Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What is Gum Recession and Why is it a Concern?

Gum recession is when the gums and bone support pull away from the tooth.  This exposes the porous root surface.

Potential Causes of Recession:
Gum disease
Clenching or grinding
Poorly aligned teeth and/or crowding
Aggressive brushing
Signs of Recession:
Hot/Cold sensitivity
Brushing sensitivity
Teeth appearing "longer" than they used to
Notching present at the gum line
Decay present at the root surface

Gum recession is fairly common and occurs gradually.  Typically the first symptom is sensitivity or a "longer" appearance in the tooth.  Identifying what is causing the recession is key to finding a solution.

Cause and Potential Solutions
Gum Disease → Regular dental visits, daily brushing and flossing
Clenching/Grinding→ Night guard, bio- feedback
Poor Alignment/crowding→ Braces.
Aggressive brushing→ Switch to an extra soft tooth brush or electric tooth brush, brush with your non dominant hand.

It's important to stop recession from progressing further.  If recession continues, root surface cavities, loosening of teeth or tooth loss can occur.  


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